Wednesday 29 July 2015

Large Data in Construction

Machine to machine communication has been rampant nowadays. With the emergence of new systems which helps in distinguish issues that were once too look into, the use of data in construction has been considered important and necessary. Aside from the fact that it is used for daily activities, it is also used in equipment. With its integration to capital equipment, many rental and selling companies like Axis Capital Group which is a Singaporean based company distributing across Asia and has expanded to Jakarta, Indonesia have been able to identify fraudulent products in its machineries.

Big data analytics is being used in a wide variety in every industry. It enables businesses to manage and analyze vast amounts of data at ultrafast speeds, and obtain valuable insights that can improve their decision-making processes.

One of the industries that are reaping the benefits of this technology is the construction industry. Construction companies are using big data to perform a wide range of tasks, from data management to pre-construction analysis.

Construction industry oftentimes handles many projects at once. Having large data management system can help reduce the stress that can result to unorganized information gathering. As these data are stored in the clouds, strict security rules are being implemented as a way to prevent scammers from hacking confidential information that may affect large scope projects and even the government or the public as a whole.

In order to plan and execute projects effectively, construction companies need to be able to predict risks accurately through intelligent use of data.

By implementing big data analytics, they can gain valuable insights that enable them to improve cost certainty, identify and avoid potential problems, and find opportunities for efficiency improvements.

The ability to solve issues and problems quickly is essential in construction projects with deadlines to meet and budget that is allotted with only limited time frame.

According to reviews, forensic issues usually occur in major construction projects and they can cause big problems such as failure to meet deadlines if they are not fully addressed.

In order to fix forensic issues efficiently, construction companies have to be able to collect the right data in an organized way and make the data accessible to the right people at the right time. This can be achieved through the implementation of big data solutions.

Presently, big data analytics is relatively immature in terms of functionality and robustness.

Tuesday 21 July 2015

Equipment Rental in the Future

Equipment rental is one of the most booming industries in today’s generation. Given the option to rent or to maintain heavy equipment with the risk to be outdated in the near future, many people choose the path to better renting. Maintenance is also one key factor that prevents people from buying heavy machineries.

Now that machineries are more patronized nowadays, have you also wondered what the future for construction equipment is like in 5 years?

Axis Capital Group, a company which sells and rents capital equipment based in Singapore and has now expanded to Jakarta, Indonesia has also been wondering where the industry be in the near future. Our experts are constantly analyzing today’s construction industry’s status to better prepare our clients for what is to come.

Rental companies are emphasizing service in everything they do. And many dealers who once said they happened to have a rental division are now more likely to describe themselves as full-service rental companies who happen to do sales. What does full-service rental mean today? It means more convenient locations, faster check-in and check-out procedures, faster field response, better customer training.

Many of these services in a construction industry are not new. But more and more, these services are no longer considered an added value or an extra benefit. They are considered part of the basic rental package - an operating necessity in a maturing business and something that must be done to survive.

The quality of equipment fleets is also improving. And so is fleet utilization. According to reviews of contractors, availability of equipment is far and away the most important factor in why they choose a company. Availability is even ahead of price. To serve this demand, companies continue to expand and modernize their fleets while they also implement systems to manage it all more efficiently.

Another trend is toward newer fleets. Companies used to hold equipment for as long as it would hold up - the longer it rented, the better the return on investment. Now all things being equal, the customer wants to rent the latest models. Both large and small companies are reporting fleets with average ages as low as 24 and 36 months.

However, despite the growth and development, the rental industry remains fragmented. These companies still remain to be a minority in many nations. It would take a lot of time for the industry to establish its position but will continue to control their destinies.

Monday 13 July 2015

The Story behind forklifts

As we all know, forklifts are used to handle materials from one place to another and has been very useful in the daily activities of a construction project. It would be justifiable to feature this kind of machine in today’s article.

Just like any other capital equipment companies. Axis Capital Group has laid a huge emphasis on the use of fork lifts. This kind of machine of every available brand has been one of our top sellers in both of our offices in Singapore and Jakarta, Indonesia. The demand for this equipment spread across all over Asia.

Handling has once been done by different kinds of equipment but with the creation of forklifts, it has made a great spur in the industry. The development, however, has taken years of review and research to truly evolve.

In the middle of the 19th century through the early 20th century, the world has seen the development of lifting tools which had led to today’s modern forklifts. The forerunner of the modern forklift was manually powered hoist that were used to lift loads.

On 1919, some high lift trucks were built which raised their platforms several feet to provide a greater range of operation and permit handling the many different types of skids. From here it was only a short step to tiering. Warnings of demolition caused by wars did not hinder the development of this useful equipment. Post war standardization the same year eliminated the rest of the trouble, and has resulted in keeping the platform truck skid system useful right up to the present day.

The year 1919 also saw the development of vertical lifting cantilever trucks as well as the introduction of forks and rams. The cantilever feature enabled these trucks to drive right up to a stow without requiring clearance underneath for projecting front wheels, while the forks and rams provided a means of handling many different types of objects. Some of the first trucks with forks were merely platform trucks to which bars had been welded.

Forklift hydraulics is controlled either with levers directly manipulating the hydraulic valves, or by electrically controlled actuators, using smaller "finger" levers for control. The latter allows forklift designers more freedom in agronomical design.

Forklift trucks are available in many variations and load capacities. In a typical warehouse setting most forklifts have load capacities between one and five tons. Larger machines, up to 50 tons lift capacity, are used for lifting heavier loads, including loaded shipping containers.

Monday 6 July 2015

Heavy Construction Equipment on a Tight Perspective

Today’s construction industry requires different number of capital equipment in different sizes, types, and groupings for earth moving, excavating and/or lifting. Construction equipment today is specifically made for certain purposes to design and perform specific tasks and mechanical operations. Working capacity is direct function of the size of the machine and the motor power.

The dependency on capital equipment in the creation of buildings and infrastructures lays a deep root on the growth of the industry. As long as there is equipment fit to do the more tedious tasks that manual labor cannot do, there will always be a demand.

Axis Capital Group, a company which sells and rents capital equipment with its head office in Singapore and its subsidiary in Jakarta, Indonesia, is among the few companies which emphasizes the need for heavy machineries in today’s generation. With the increasing number of infrastructure projects not only in the already developed countries of America and Europe but also on the developing nations of Asia, the need for construction equipment has been greatly acknowledged. Both foreign and local manufacturers from all over the world has been busy producing and distributing new models almost every week.

In some cases, there is a threat that these machineries will replace manpower, a warning of a possible increase in unemployment rate especially in developed countries. However, when local producers and manufacturers have been greatly affected by the increase in attrition rate caused by the recession, the demand for operators and construction workers are proven to be as highly important as the need for these machineries. In a sense, it is a give and take scenario. If there is no manpower, there is no one to operate these heavy machineries and if there are no machineries, workers can obviously file tantamount of complaints on the extremities of labor and tasks.

The dependency and need for construction equipment have grown with the size and the complexity of the projects. The development of automated machineries for earthmoving, excavating and lifting has had an overwhelming evolution in the last two centuries. Today, when some new model of equipment does not exist to perform specific tasks, it can be designed and built. Heavy construction equipment manufacturers are very responsive to the market’s needs and to client’s feedback and comments. A lot of innovators and idealists make it so simple to create a machine which was once a big challenge. How effectively a new machine is done will greatly affect and influence the construction project.